Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Ava!!!

Ava Fleno Sherwood joined our family on 1/28/2010 at 10:22pm. Mommy went into labor Thursday morning at 7am, and was at the hospital by 12:30pm. After laboring till well into the night it was decided to do a C-section- Ava decided to stay sideways and get stuck causing her heart rate to dip when contractions came. The surgery went well and they finally announced, "it's a GIRL!" She weighed in at 8 lbs 8oz and measured (according to the hospital) 22.5in (21in at her pediatrician appointment). She is the perfect completion to our family! Miles is so in love with her and wants to hold her and kiss her all the time. If she is crying or fussing he comes running to comfort her, and belly laughs while she gets the hiccups or make silly faces. Everyone is adjusting to life with four of us in the house now and we're looking forward to what comes ahead.

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